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Coaches Recap - Week of March 15th-21st

Coaches Recap from the Week of March 15th-21st

Finally, with all the MTH CLUB TEAMS selected we are finally off to the races! As we navigate through our government-colored zones, we will be doing our best to get all of our players on the ice for game situation practice and skills scrimmages with competing teams such as Vision, AXIS, Elgin, PRO HOCKEY, SARINA, TPH and local ZONE AAA teams.

This past week our MTH CLUB TEAMS were focusing on zone entry, forecheck and head manning the puck. Throughout our practice we continuously preached the words “Focus, Quick Decisions, Compete”

Weekend Scrimmage Recap:

Our U7 and U9 teams traveled down the 401 for our first road scrimmages #DevelopmentalSeries VS VISION HOCKEY. With excitement and nerves building up amongst each of the U7 and U9 teams our players were caught on their heels with both teams receiving a loss. However, there is no such thing as a loss, only a learning opportunity to become better!

As our players learn how to cope and deal with the art of competition, we as coaches will be teaching our players the skills necessary to grow as competitive athletes. To learn how to reset the mind and go again.

Upcoming weeks MTH CLUB TEAM focus points:






Weekly VIDEO


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